A lot of new podcasts last week. Enjoy and stay tuned
Here you can listen to the stream channell (playing 24/7).
Here you can see on-air schedules.
Last published podcasts:
- Yoga Nidra – Intensive week Ep.1 (Wellness)
- Soul Tracks – Se.3 Ep.4 “All for one and one for all free for all” (Music)
- Audible Weed Walk – Ep.67 “Dealing with what is predictably unpredictable -Let’s think beyond fences “ (Food education)
- The best of what’s still around – ep.36 (Music)
- Tamil Epics- ep.12 “சிலப்பதிகாரம் “ (Tamil culture)
- Happiness, Love and Laughter – ep.119 “Nature Heals!” (Wellness)
- Marlenka’s Weekly Offering – ep.34 (Integral Yoga)
- Une série hebdomadaire de lectures par Gangalakshmi – 375 (Integral Yoga)
- Karpathu Tamil-Ep.8 “சித்தர் பாடல்கள்” (Siddhar Songs) (Tamil culture)
Last Youtube live videos
KALISAI – Live at Kalabhnumi studio 5th Dec.2021 (Music)

…and more! on www.aurovilleradio.org
For more information write to radio@auroville.org.in