The Embassy of the Argentine Republic in India are happy to announce the screening of “Violet Glasses” in India!!
“Gafas Violetas” (Violet Glasses) is a film series created by the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts of Argentina from a gender perspective, bringing to the audience a wide range of movies focused on diverse aspects of the issue.
The promotion of the women’s empowerment, sexual diversity, non-binary identities as well as the objection of gender stereotypes through the aesthetic and narrative proposals are aspects addressed on the titles available at the full catalogue. “Gafas Violetas” also seeks to promote equity in the cinematography sector, as the majority of films are directed by women.
The six programs chosen for this catalogue tackle issues about children and adolescents from a gender perspective necessary to understand the gender inequality in our societies.
Each program is composed by a feature and a short film which complement (and reinforce) the message and the idea exposed on the movie.
“Violet Glasses” is done in partnership with Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation
Saturday, November 14th: A Fly in the Ashes (2010) – Colonia Delicia (2017)
Sunday, November 15th: Nosilatiaj. The Beauty (2012) – Princesses (2015)
Saturday, November 21st: Interlude (2017) – All my Joy (2017)
Sunday, November 22nd: Hive (2018) – Chike (2016)
Saturday, November 28th: The Pretty Ones (2016) – The Queen (2013)
Sunday, November 29th: The Sleepwalkers (2019) – Aldana & Leon (2019)
The movies will be available throughout the whole day on Vimeo.
Registration at: or on Instagram @EmbArgIndia