The third edition of the Auroville Art Camp will take place from March 12nd to March 19th 2022.
The theme of this third edition of the Auroville art Camp is “Every finite is an infinite”.
One of the inspirations to choose the theme was different writings of Sri Aurobindo quoted from ‘The synthesis of Yoga” and from ‘Essays Divine and human’
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother assign a highest status to an art which serves as revealer and teacher of a quest for the All-Beautiful.
In this spirit, we decided in 2018 to organise an Artist camp with Artist residency taking place in Auroville for artists.
Art is a profound centre of this journey towards the future.
Auroville Art Camp is not just an art camp, it is an Art Camp taking place in Auroville, a unique place of experiment where men and women from all over the World and India has answer to the call of The Mother to manifest her dream and the vision of Sri Aurobindo.
By organising an art camp with artists from all over India, we tried to create a concentrated atmosphere in which we could work on this new world to come through Art and the search of Beauty which is an ideal to be. The Ambition of the first art camp which took place in 2019 was to try to evoke a New World.
The Art Camp focusses on the collaboration of Indian national artists with Aurovilians artists, working on a specific theme during one week.
Art Students are also invited to participate as this is a great platform for exchange and learning.
Each year a call for applications is published. We organise a call for artists and proceed by selection and not by invitation as we wish to give the opportunity to all artists from all over India to participate regardless of their background and network.
We wish for our selection to be diverse so that established artists, emerging artists and young artists can work together.
We select only professional artists, whether they have followed an academic path or are self-taught.
We try to achieve a diversity of art practices and works in our selection of artists. When selecting them we look at the proximity we foresee in their work with Auroville raison d’être, the Quality of their bodies of work, their Artist statement, what does their art convey and their approach to the Auroville art camp’s theme of the year.

For this edition like for the other ones, we published a call for artists which lasted two months. We received applications from Auroville of course, and from all over India. The diversity, richness and quality of the bodies of works we received, was stunning. We have gone through strong and inspired artists statements. Their interpretations of the theme the “Every finite is an infinite” have been, for many of them, so unique, with so much sensitivity.
Regarding the students category, we received applications from students of Art Colleges from many parts of India.
We selected 10 Indian Nationals artists, 8 Aurovilian artists, 1 Indian national art student and 1 Aurovilian art student.
Here are presented the selected artists for the third edition of the Auroville Art Camp: