We are happy to share that following many trials and tribulations, ‘Lokame Tharavadu’ has finally received clearance to open. We have determined April 18th as an apt date for opening the show, since it also
happens to coincide with World Heritage Day. Since we wish for the show to be open for at least 70+ days, we would like for the show to go on until June 30th.

Kochi Biennale Foundation

Aurovilian ceramic artist Supriya Menon Meneghetti to participate in LOKAME THARAVADU, organised by Kochi Biennale Foundation www.supriyamm.com

Lokame Tharavadu (The World Is One Family) is a large-scale curated contemporary art exhibition of Malayali artists, organised by the Kochi Biennale Foundation. Over 260 artists will be exhibiting a collection of their works, to foreground each of their practices. Lokame Tharavadu is conceptualised as a congregation of the best of resident and pravasi artists, in consonance with the Loka Kerala Sabha initiative of the government.
