India should become Vishwa Guru not to dominate the world but to give knowledge and to spread light. The Vice President said the establishment of Auroville at Puducherry represents Sri Aurobindo’s vision for world unity.

Quoting Sri Aurobindo, Naidu said India can realise its full potential only by a system of National Education and urged the youth to work towards turning Sri Aurobindos dreams into reality.

Vice Prez Naidu calls for fighting against divisive forces
Venkaiah Naidu Image Credit: IANS

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday called upon the people to fight against divisive forces that seek to divide society on the lines of religion, region, language, caste, creed or colour.

In the 75th year of the country’s Independence, every Indian must take a pledge to further strengthen unity and harmony in the country’s hugely diverse society, he said.

Naidu, who was addressing the students and teachers of Sri Aurobindo International School here after inaugurating a photo exhibition on the life of Sri Aurobindo, emphasized that bridging all divisions were necessary for the greatness of India’s future. Highlighting the positive aspects of religion, he said if everyone follows one’s religion in the true spirit, there will not be any religious conflict, an official release said.

Responding to a student’s question, he said reforms were needed in the United Nations so that it becomes a truly representative organization where the soul and heart of the nations come together. Expressing disapproval of some nation’s mentality to consider themselves as superior to others, he said equal respect for all is a prerequisite to bringing unity of mankind. ”Separate identities are going to be there but these identities should not divide us,” he said.

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