An intensive for those with or without experience in theatre, this workshop will introduce participants to aspects of physical theatre through practice, including ensemble work, voice, impulse play, and acrobatics. Discover what stories, rhythms and colours you can access through your body and learn to use your physicality as a pathway to your imagination.

Workshop facilitator Kaeridwyn Eftelya is a professional Canadian theatre artist living in Auroville. She has trained in Grotowski-based theatre, corporeal mime and Pochinko clowning. Kaeridwyn has taught and performed theatre and music in Canada, Europe and India.

The workshop will run Monday and Tuesday Jan 16 and 17 from 9:30-12:30 in CRIPA and participants must be able to attend both sessions. Please wear plain clothes you can move easily in. Contact Kaeridwyn for more information and to sign up:,