Inauguration on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 at 5 p.m
at ART BEAT daily 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Event continues up to Tuesday 8th March, 2016
73, Perumal Koil Street, Pondicherry – 605001
phone: 0413 2221052 | |
2nd to 5th March: Interactive discussions to identify the art works, invite proposals, do the needful to get permissions and funds to do the Public Art works.
Sunday 6th March, 6 p.m.: An illustrated lecture on ‘Why Public Art’, its impact, benefit and social responsibility.
Monday 7th March: Selection of the most appealing art works which can be done in the public space, determining the budget and time frame.
Tuesday 8th March, 6.30 p.m.: Screening of film on the artist Bansky.
Open Invite to One and All
Beauty is Essential to Cultured Society.
Let us Transform Pondicherry in to an Art City.
Saturday 5th March, 4 to 6 p.m.:
Looking at the prospective spaces for doing murals and zeroing down on the concept to be painted. Applying a coat of primer on the surfaces.
Sunday 6th March, 6 to 9 a.m.:
Executing the murals in the chalked out areas.
Please bring brushes for enamel painting if you have. Breakfast will be served at the end of the work at the work site or at Art Beat as convenient.
To assemble on both days at Art Beat, no. 73 Perumal Koil Street for the above mentioned programs. Contact numbers: 9442400152 | 8754040676
We welcome anybody who would like to propose an art work. Also people who would like to offer their outer facades, and spaces around their building can approach us. Volunteers to assist the artists in the work who would get a firsthand experience in the different techniques can also come forward.
We are looking for sponsors for the art materials to be used, arranging the breakfast and contributing an humble amount to the artists working.
All are Cordially Invited!
Shilpataru Foundation, 17 Advocate Chinna Tambi Street, Kuruchikuppam, Puducherry 605012, India
Phone: 00 91 (0) 413 2221052,,