Inviting Video-Dance Works for IGNITE! Festival of Contemporary Dance 2015
13-18 January 2015, New Delhi
Deadline for Submissions:
30 September 2014
We are most excited to bring to you the 3rd edition of IGNITE! Festival of Contemporary Dance in New Delhi from 13-18 January 2015.
IGNITE! is a biennale which aims to develop and expand the discourse on contemporary dance practice in India and South Asia. The 4-day intensive programme, which includes performances, master classes, seminars and discussions, video-dance screenings and exhibitions, is designed to present and bring multiple perspectives to a range of explorations in contemporary dance in India.
IGNITE! invites Indian and international choreographers and film-makers to send in video-dance works with a focus on work that is Indian in its context or content. The festival accepts video-dance works of all genres and lengths. These may be documentaries, narratives, features, short films or experimental works. Works-in-progress are not accepted.
Please send a full-length HD version of the work either on DVD by post, or via a downloadable web-link on along with the title, length and short description of the work (max.500 words).
Do note that programming for IGNITE! 2015 will be determined by a selection panel and the final selections will be announced by October 2014.
Please forward this information to others who may be interested. For more details or any queries email us at
For information on IGNITE!, visit