ARKA is a research project of S.A.I.I.E.R (Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research).
It is an innovative social project of Auroville that wants to redefine the concept of aging as described by the Mother.
ARKA is an holistic centre creating an environment in which seniors can dedicate themselves to the inner work pertaining to their particular stage in life, while sustaining a healthy, balanced and harmonious lifestyle.
Arka aims to keep people healthy and active as long as possible. The project has chosen to address a particular facet of the total problem concerning the ageing process by providing means for postponing and preventing the need for the kind of care that can only be provided by a hospital, medical centre or location.
e-mail: arka [at]
address: Arka, Auroville
tel: contact person Jayaram 99436 44678
reception phone: 0413-2623799 or direct 0413-2622443
Maria Grazia: mariagrazia [at] 94420 69240