Multi Media Centre Auditorium (MMC, Town Hall) Presents
“DEVI” – THE GODDESS Directed by Satyajit RAY, India,1960 With: Soumitra Chatterjee, Sharmila Tagore, Chhabi Biswas Music by: Ustad Ali Akbar Khan
Synopsis: Devi “The Goddess” is based on a short story by Provatkumar Mukhopadhyay. In 19th-century rural Bengal, a young woman, Doyamoyee, is deemed a goddess when her father-in-law, Kalikinkar, a rich feudal land-lord, has a dream envisioning her as an avatar of Kali. Soon Kalikinker starts to worship Doyamoyee officially and changes her room and lifestyles etc. Many people start to visit her and offer prayers and drink charanamrito (water with which the devi’s foot has being washed). The life of Doyamoyee changes complety and litle by litle she is compelled to a life of isolation and myth, far away from a life of reality. That saddens her deeply but she is unable to escape as she was bound to superstitions and in a patriarchal society… The story finely plotted the religious dogmatism.
Original Bengali version with English subtitles – Duration: 1h33’
Note: The film will be preceded by a 9 min short film by Aurofilm: “Maunam – Physical Poetry” with Drupad,2008.– Covid, please follow the current SOP.

Multi Media Centre Auditorium (MMC, Town Hall)
VENDREDI 12 MARS 2021 à 20h
« Devi – La Déesse » Réalisé par Satyajit RAY, INDIA,1960
Avec : Soumitra Chatterjee, Sharmila Tagore, Chhabi BiswasMusique par: Ustad Ali Akbar Khan
Synopsis : Doyamorjee est la jeune bru d’un noble du Bengale, Kalikinkar. Après un rêve, il voit en elle la réincarnation de la déesse Kali et, malgré les réticences de son fils, lui voue une vénération démesurée. Devenue objet de culte, la jeune fille est astreinte à une vie religieuse. Jusqu’à ce que la destinée reprenne ses droits…
Version originale en Bengali avec sous-titres en Anglais – Durée : 1h33’
Note: Le film sera précédé d’un court-métrage de 9 minutes (par Aurofilm en 2008) : « Maunam – Physical Poetry » Covid19 : Veuillez suivre le protocole sanitaire en vigueur.
“May we fight successfully the great battle of the future that is to be born against the past that seeks to endure, so that the new things may manifest and we may be ready to receive them”
The Mother
Aurofilm – Kalabhoomi – Auroville 605 101 – TN – India
Tel. 91-0413-2622037 – on Auroville Website: – art and culture