A lot of new podcasts last week. Enjoy and stay tuned

Here you can listen to the stream channell (playing 24/7).

Here you can see on-air schedules.

Last published podcasts:

  1. Multiversity proposal – Open meeting (City life)
  2. Soul Tracks S.03 ep. 3: The UK’s Best loved songs … kind of.(Music)
  3. Audible Weed Walk – Ep.66 “Book-Group-Snoop : towards food security/climate action” (Food education)
  4. The best of what’s still around – ep.35(Music)
  5. Civic education dialogues – Functions of working groups: Working committee and Famc (City life)
  6. Marlenka’s Weekly Offering – ep.33 (Integral Yoga)
  7. Une série hebdomadaire de lectures par Gangalakshmi – 374 (Integral Yoga)
  8. Savitri, B. X, C. IV, Part 5 (Integral Yoga)
  9. Civic Education Dialogues – Auroville finances (City life)

Last Youtube live videos

From Multiversity towards Auroville Multiunity (City life)

Open meeting for Multiversity proposal (City life)

Next Youtube live video events:

KALISAI – Live at Kalabhnumi studio 5th Dec.2021 (Music)

…and more! on www.aurovilleradio.org

For more information write to radio@auroville.org.in