Submit your best work for a chance to win up to $8,000 in cash prizes, be selected by our curators for the P×3 exhibition in Paris and inclusion in the Annual P×3 book.

The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (P×3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris. A selection of work from this competition is displayed in Paris and the winners are published in the P×3 Annual Book. Juried by leading editors, publishers, curators, gallery owners, consultants, creative directors, and art directors, P×3 brings the best of photography from across the globe to Paris.

Entry Fees

Entry fees cover the cost of prizes, exhibitions, administration and promotion. To make this photo competition globally accessible, P×3 offers discounted entry fees for non-professionals & students of certain countries.

Professional Photographers
$30 for each photograph entered
$50 for each series (2-5 images with a unifying theme) or book
Same photograph or series, additional category: $25 per category
Non-professional and Student Photographers
$20 per photograph entered
$40 for each series (2-5 images with a unifying theme)
Same photograph or series, additional category: $15 per category

Final Deadline: Saturday, 28th April

see more here