India NoseLove – Happiness Matters:  Join the Happiness Movement 

“India NoseLove-Happiness Matters”, initiated in Auroville, is a tribute to Sri Aurobindo and HH the Dalai Lama  for India’s 75th birthday.   

We are requesting and inviting you to contribute to a special book which include archival photos of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, visits His Holiness made to Auroville, visits that the students from the Building Bridges program made to Dharamsala and other photos of happiness and clown noses (NoseLoves) made out of Nungus (seeds from the Palmyra tree).  

We request that you send a short writing (poem or prose) or a drawing etc -that you feel you would like to share. You are most welcome to share your experience of Sri Aurobindo and HH the Dalai Lama that bring you happy memories and  experiences that have transformed and / or impacted you. 

If you would like to contribute your write up / insight; and find you are not able to do it by yourself, you are most welcome to contact us and we can find a way to do this together.  We would love to have your voice and your heart heard.  We are also exploring and looking forward to hearing from you or having a group gathering where together we can share experience and write them down.   

Please contact us by April 23 and we can then organize a gathering the following week.  Or just send us your finished write up or drawing!

With happiness, gratitude and love, 

Kalsang and Fif
