About the Workshop:

By bringing all the attention onto another, truly listening and reacting, the workshop is focused on creating a whole network of automatic responses. Stripping away the artificiality of theatre and returning to one of the most primal humans abilities: to receive and respond to messages from others, and to allow the actions of others to be the principal determinant of how you, yourself, act.

About the technique:

The Mesiner technique was born due to a growing need for realism in acting in present day. A realism achieved by creating a connection with your scene partner built on real-life reactions of one human being to another, which dictates how the actor speaks, thinks and moves. This is an actual and present event in which the real and involuntary physical and vocal reactions of the actors to one another seduce the audience into suspending their disbelief. Through this, the rhythm of a scene doesn’t depend anymore on whichever actor happens to be speaking, but on the way two or more actors get into rhythm with one another.

The Meisner technique slowly reconditions the habits of the actor, bridging the gap between real life and the acting space. The beauty of it lies in its simplicity and its insistence on genuine truthful responses.

About the workshop facilitator:

Luca Serri is a film director shaped in Berlin. He began his career in Italy, with Borderline (2012) an experimental short-film awarded at the London IFF and Hollywood Short Film Festival. The short-films that followed have focused more and more on the actors and performances, slowly evolving from studio environments with artificial sets and production lighting toward a more realistic style, shot on location with natural light. This shift in process occurred thanks to significant work and research in acting. At the moment he is waiting to find the courage to make the jump and shoot his first feature film.