In this time of change we in CREEVA (Center for Research Exploration Experience in the Visual Arts) suggest and welcome those who have not experienced making pictures since they were children.

It has nothing to do with talent, it has to do with using your body/mind in ways you seldom do. Of course we all know most of us use words instead of images to communicate with each other. If we just change that from our side, enjoy, play, experiment you will be surprised how it may help in healing your perception and communication.

Call before you want to come, for we give classes which you may join or you may want an hour or two with guidance, music or just alone.

Materials are available and free. No charge for Newcomers and Aurovillians. Volunteer Rs. 100, Guests Rs. 200. Only 12 yr. old and ages up.

To Register, contact Audrey – +0413 2622641 or Abhijit – +91 757394469

Art session scheduled for October 2021

  • Mondays : Watercolor Landscape Painting with A,Sathya on 15th and 22nd, 5-7 PM and outdoor Animals sketch and painting on 29th, 2:30-5:30 pm
  • Wednesdays: Explore Color or Drawing with Audrey, 9.30-11.30am
  • Thursdays: Painting to Music with Sangarapranan, 10:00-11:30am
  • Fridays: Drawing and painting with Sangarapranan, 10:00-11:30am
  • Saturdays: Figurative Drawing with Life model, 9-11 am and Clay Sculpture with Sangarapranan, 2:00-3:30pm.
  • To Register: Please call at least one day before the class to register. Audrey 0413-2622641, Abhijit roy +91 7517394469,

Art Forgery

  • When: 25 Nov 2021 Time: 05:00 p.m.
  • Where: CREEVA Studio in Creativity.

CREEVA is very excited to share with you our college’s research.
Abhijit Roy’s project deals with an age old activity of artists copying
other artists work for many reasons but the most common was and
is for money.
He will show slides and add his commentary followed by Q&A
session. We hope you will join and learn as we have about an
activity in the arts that because of our mechanical development has
only increased