This workshop is offered in two venues:

  • Creeva Auroville – weekly classes that will be available June / July / August (details given below)
  • Aurodhan, Pondicherry – Commencing June 2, 2022, Every Thursday & Friday, 6 – 7:30 PM (details in poster)

CREEVA is very excited to announce a weekly adventure that will be available June / July / August. It’s teacher, Kumud our volunteer has taught fundamentals of design for five years and is a graduate of The National Institute of Fashion Technology in Hyderabad. He is interested in introducing us to Visual literacy. When he showed CREEVA artists of the width and depth of his teaching we thought we’d like to take his classes. Kumud insists these classes are for those who think they have no visual creativity or visual literacy and those who know they do.

  • When: 3 days a week.You can choose either of 3 days –  Mon / Wed / Fri 3-5(pm) or Tues / Thurs / Sat 9:30-11:30(am).
  • Age Group: From 16 on up any age.
  • Contribution: The contribution for classes is 1500 for guests per week / 1000 per week for Aurovilians, Newcomers and Volunteers to CREEVA. All materials provided.
  • Sign up for the first week in June or any of the weeks in June and July to start to see if this adventure “draws” you, then take the classes as long as you want.
  • Contact for Queries and Registrations: Sathya-9486145072 / Kumud-7592805013 / Audrey-9489408358–0413 2622641