CREEVA Artist Studio

“CREEVA” Center for Research Education Experience Visual Arts

Regular Art Activities Scheduled for October 2019

Monday A. Sathya
9486145072 Watercolour Landscapes 5 – 7 pm
Saturday Lakshay
9810052574 Drawing from the Model 9 – 11 am
Sunday Supriya
9597982953 Sculpting in Clay: Styles and Techniques 3 – 5 pm

Watercolor by A. Sathya.
Exploring watercolor through landscapes indoor and outdoor. Thursday 10th and Friday 11th, 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. Contact: 9486145072
Explore Colour By Audrey
Find your preferences in colour and learn some colour theory. Thursday 24th and Friday 25th, 9.30 am – 12.30 pm and 2 – 5 pm. Contact: 9786411419

Tuesday to Friday 9.30 am – 12.30pmcome explore and experience from your own expressions
at any form of art. Contact: Sathya 9486145072
All classes & workshops will be held in Creativity art studio.

Art materials will be provided for all our activities.

For volunteers & guests fixed contribution.

Please confirm your presence with the artists at least one day before.

Age limits 11 years onwards can attend the classes. Be on time.

For all the well-wishers who want to get to know more information about CREEVA are welcome to our internal meeting 10am Monday at the studio.