CREEVA is a platform for people to experience art first hand and overcome their fears, doubts, and myths. It is a place where art enthusiasts can experiment with mediums, form, themes, etc. and hone their art skills. CREEVA lets you explore deeper and find your language and comfort. It helps you practice your yoga of art regularly and peacefully.
The use of the body to express itself on paper or canvas, with clay or any other material is an activity and a discipline that is important as any other yoga. The words Art, talent, money or lack of, education and skill all got in the way of your freedom of expression. CREEVA is offering to you the chance to go on a new journey to take your body and especially your eyes to find your own expression. Everyone has an individual expression and style it’s as part of you as the way you speak, the way you walk and move.
e-mail: creeva [at]
phone: + 91-
address: Creativity, Auroville
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