S A V I T R I   B H A V A N

July 2022


Meditations on Savitri

The series of 472 paintings created by the Mother with Huta

from 1961-67 is now on display in the picture gallery

Glimpses of the Mother: Photographs and texts

In the Square Hall upto 15th July 

Sri Aurobindo: A life sketch in photographs

In the upper corridor


Mondays at 4pm

We present a series of films on Meditations on Savitri, with passages from Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem SAVITRI – A Legend and a Symbol, read by the Mother, accompanied by Her own organ music and paintings made by Huta under the guidance of the Mother. We offer these films, in order to concentrate within, to be with our soul and psychic being and the Divine presence. 

July 4: Meditations on Savitri, Book 1 Canto 4: The Secret Knowledge, Part 2. The whole world is the playground of the One Supreme and his Conscious-Force, the Divine Mother. Duration: 32min.

July 11: Meditations on Savitri, Book 1 Canto 5: The Yoga of the King: The Yoga of the Spirit’s Freedom and Greatness – In this meditative film we get to know about the Creation as

a golden ladder linking the highest levels of Spirit and the lowest levels of Matter. Duration: 23min.

July 18: Meditations on Savitri, Book 2 – Canto 1- 4 – In the course of involution, the Spirit descends

from The World Stair and the Soul has to ascend in the course of Evolution. Duration: 40min.

July 25: Meditations on Savitri, Book 2 Cantos 5 & 6 – Earth is a field of 

Evolution and Progress. Duration: 33min. 

Full Moon Gathering

Wednesday, July 13, 7.15-8.15pm in front of Sri Aurobindo’s statue


workshop on MUDRA-CHI on Saturday July 30th at 5pm led by Anandi 

Regular Activities

Sundays 10.30–12 noon: Savitri Study Circle

Mondays 3-4pmSri Aurobindos Isha Upanishad led by Dr.Jai Singh

Tuesdays 3-4pm: Yoga and the evolution of man led by Dr.Jai Singh

Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays 4-5pm: L’Agenda de Mèrelistening to recordings with Gangalakshmi

Fridays 3-4pm: Finding of the Soul (in Savitri Book 7 Canto 5) led by Dr.Jai Singh

Saturdays 3-4pm: Introduction to Integral Yoga, led by Ashesh Joshi

Saturdays 4-5.15pm: Satsang, led by Ashesh Joshi

Exhibitions, Main Building and Office are open Monday to Saturday 9-5

Library is open Monday to Friday 9-5

The Digital Library can be accessed on request Monday to Friday 9-4

Everyone is welcome