
Meditations on Savitri
The series of 472 paintings created by the Mother with Huta
from 1961-67 is now on display in the picture gallery

Glimpses of the Mother: Photographs and texts
In the Square Hall

Sri Aurobindo: A life sketch in photographs
In the upper corridor

Films : Mondays at 4pm

June 20: Integral Yoga – Sri Aurobindo & The Mother’s vision of Supramental Consciousness and how Haridas Chaudhuri brought it to the West
Haridas Chaudhuri was sent as a representative of the Integral Yoga to the USA. He speaks about the Renaissance of India and shares his insights into Sri Aurobindo’s revolutionary work and spiritual experiences. The ‘California Institute of Integral Studies’ (CIIS) was founded in 1968. Duration: 55min.

June 27: Meditations on Savitri, Book One – The Book of Beginnings, Canto 4: The Secret Knowledge, Part 1.
King Aswapati has reached a high level of spiritual development and sees yet higher levels before him. He understands that human beings are not only mortal, bound by death and ignorance: a greater existence lives within each of us. Duration: 35min.

Full Moon Gathering
Tuesday, June 14, 7.15-8.15pm in front of Sri Aurobindo’s statue

A workshop on MUDRA-CHI on Saturday June 25th at 5pm led by Anandi

Regular Activities
Sundays 10.30–12 noon: Savitri Study Circle
Mondays 3-4pm: Psychic Awakening led by Dr.Jai Singh
Tuesdays 3-4pm: Yoga and the evolution of man led by Dr.Jai Singh
Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays 4-5pm: L’Agenda de Mère: listening to recordings with Gangalakshmi
Fridays 3-4pm: Readings of the Mother’s commentary on Dhammapada led by Dr.Jai Singh
Saturdays 3-4pm: Introduction to Integral Yoga, led by Ashesh Joshi
Saturdays 4-5.15pm: Satsang, led by Ashesh Joshi

Exhibitions, Main Building and Office are open Monday to Saturday 9-5
Library is open Monday to Friday 9-5
The Digital Library can be accessed on request Monday to Friday 9-4

Everyone is welcome