Centre d’Art, Citadines Auroville invites you for an exhibition “Sketching My Way Home” by Lisa Suchanek.
- When: 10.00am to 12.00pm – 2.30pm to 5.00pm, Monday to Saturday, (Sunday closed) from 27 August to 11 September 2021.
- Exhibition opening : 4:00pm, Friday 27 August 2021
- Where: Centre d’Art, Citadines
This exhibition of monochrome ink sketches is a glimpse into Lisa’s process of self-discovery through painting. She explores topics such as the central nervous system, setting clear intentions, setting healthy boundaries, self and co-regulation, self-compassion, self-humour, humility and stillness. In her art practice she focuses on noticing (sometimes elegantly, sometimes clumsily) the experience of being at home in herself.
Pausing to make marks on paper, to create textures with paint, to explore ideas with brush strokes, has the power to be a microcosm of our psychological and physical patterns. Lisa uses sketching as a subtle practice of slowly expanding the space between her thoughts, feelings, sensations and the way she reacts to them.
For her, art is a way to befriend and transform her body in movement and her mind through active listening. Instead of trying to forcefully transcend her messy humanness, she wishes to embrace it and playfully lean into transformation.

Artist Bio:
Lisa Suchanek is an artist who grew up in Auroville amongst the trees, the red dirt and Windows 95. In the Netherlands, she received a BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences as well as an MA in Media Studies where she specialised in sound. Although her focus on media, philosophy and art seemed to fit her well, she felt something was missing. The last two years she has been curiously inquiring inwardly and outwardly into various body centred healing practices and psychological theories that embrace inner multiplicity. She gradually began to apply these modalities to her painting as a practice of embodiment, of unlearning, of self-discover and healing. She intends to approach her life with a beginner’s mind and an open heart.
Centre d’Art Atelier
Citadines Auroville-605101 Tamil Nadu India
+91 413 2622699