Online for Earth Day

Dear friends of the Auroville forest,
Because screenings of Ever Slow Green have been cancelled for the unforeseeable future, here comes an Earth Day gift for you to pass on to your friends and family. Ever Slow Green will be available online for one week from

Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22nd until Tuesday, April 28th, 2020.

To request access send an email to everslowgreen [at]

The film is still in its global film festival rotation. Most festivals require submitted films not to be published yet, so please don’t share it publicly (meaning don’t post it on your Facebook, youtube etc.) but only directly with friends and family.

Rate and review on IMDb
If you watched and enjoyed Ever Slow Green and you want to help enhancing its chances to create a future revenue (30% of which will be donated to the Auroville Forest), then please rate and review the film on IMDb following this link.
(You will need to be logged in with google or facebook or amazon or imdb in order to be able to rate and review.)

Awarded in Rishikesh
I’m happy to share with you that Ever Slow Green was awarded “Best Director of a Documentary Film” at the Rishikesh International Film Festival in March 2020.

That’s a wrap for Ever Slow Green newsletter #1.
I hope it won’t be too long before large audiences will again be allowed to gather and watch Ever Slow Green collectively on a big screen.
Stay well and healthy.

