With the coming of the new year Svaram Musical Instruments Research and Production is in front of its next step of development, having worked over a year on the prospect and concept of a Model Campus for the Industrial Zone, on an allocated site west of Afshaneh GH, close to the Ring-Verite Radial crossing.
The projected campus will encompass 4 main areas
– Craft /Artisan workshops
– Training and design ateliers and studios
– Show room, exhibiton/experiential museum space, administration
– Sound Healing, program facilities
Please find below the draft brochure describing the scope of our work, and if needed you can also find background information on www.svaram.org
We would like to invite you for a special
“Design Cafe“- planning work/exercise (please see description below)
on Sunday 11. Jan 9.30 -12.30 at Unity Pavilion.
This wants to bring together architects, landscape/interior designers, musicians, craft masters and entrepreneurs to co-create the basic vision and elements of the project, in the context of the Industrial Zone and Auroville at large, which will give us the starting point for the design and lay-out of the campus.
Stages of exploration:
1.Site visit ( optional at 9:00 am)
2.Introduction to the project
3.Site features
4.Co-creating Design Cafe
If you are interested please send a reply to confirm your participation, for which we will send you then some more detailed information on site context, utilities and circulation. As a possible exchange for your engagement Svaram offers a nominal in kind contribution on our Musical Instruments.
With best wishes for a creative and prosperous New Year,
Looking forward to hear from you
Aurelio, David , Mona
The ‘Design Cafe‘ is based upon the ‘World Cafe’ model, but was modified by the dreamcatchers as a tool to explore collaborative visioning. After a brief introduction of the site and the project brief, participants gather four or five to a table and begin to exchange ideas on large sheets of tracing paper. Then, to better share ideas, over a period of one and a half hours people move between three different tables, where each time a new group dynamic occurs. In the last half an hour, one person at each table summarises the insights so that everyone leaves with an overview of the entire session.
We are re-introducing this approach at Aurelio’s request, in the hope that it helps pool all the expertise which we have here in Auroville, for the benefit of our collective development…