Jyoti Naoki Eri is a Japanese artist residing in Auroville – a universal township in making in South India.He studied traditional Japanese art as the foundation to his artistic career.He has used the strong traditional back ground to break barriers in his art and explore multiple techniques and mediums in his artwork such as; calligraphy, sculpture, water colours, ceramics, lacquer work etc.This research has lead him to believe that art can bridge and harmonise the dualities of existence.
I seek to create a new narrative dedicated to the future of humanity. I was born in an artist family in Kyoto, Japan. I started calligraphy study since age seven. Then started to learn figurative sculptures in a public art high school in Kyoto.In 1994 I became a professional wood sculptor through the apprenticeship in Tokyo. I practice & teach art in general in Auroville. I also organise a collective cultural/social programs under the title The ONE ASIA project. I am also known as an oriental tea lover and a practitioner of the Way of Tea.”
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