Friday 15 & Saturday 16 September 2017
7:15 pm at Visitors Center

The French Pavillon presents
with the support of Francis
by Satprem
Original text from chapter 2 of La Genese du Surhomme (On the Way of Supermanhood )
Performed in French with English surtitles by la compagnie SDF
with Christophe, Natacha, Thierry and Yves
Directed by Celine

« …To tell the truth, we make the path as we walk it, as in the forest. There is no path, it does not exist: it has to be made. And once we have taken few seemingly blind steps, we will realize that this groping advance led to a first clearing and that we have been led, every moment, even in our darkest stumbles, by an infallible Hand that was already leading our twists and turns of millipedes because the goal we are looking for is already within, it is an eternal Goal… »

Join us on that evolutionary path to re-discover Satprem’s words expressing our common Quest

Friday 15 & Saturday 16 September 2017
7:15 pm at Visitors Center
