Paintings and Mobile Sculptures by NELE MARTENS
Inauguration: Sunday 5th February, at 5 p.m.
Exhibition continues up to February 22nd, 2017
TASMAI, a Centre for Art & Culture,
11, Advocate Chinna Tambi Street Between 2nd & 3rd Cross Kuruchikuppam, Pondicherry
Daily 3 to 7 p.m.
Mornings by Appointment
Monday Holiday /0413 2221052

This year I have worked on the theme of flowers.
I am fascinated and attracted by their incredible manifold beauty of form and colors.
Like an impression of pure light in matter.
It touches a sense of truth and harmony.
In my paintings I try and express just that. Light, joy, purity, strength, fragility, an inner order unfolding, a play of nature.
It touches my soul.
