Active Meditation, Celebration around the fire

Every Friday at 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Dynamic dancing meditation energizes while developing
synergy with the body’s movements through focused
consciousness achieve complete relaxation and a
heightened sense of peace and harmony between
body and soul during this one hour celebration of a
combination of silence. Music and dancing!

Dancing As Meditation, Ecstatic dance Celebration around the fire

Every Wednesday & Saturday 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

There is nothing more miraculous for meditation than dancing.
The body connected to the heartbeat of the earth and
the soul soaring in the celestial sky.
Dancing together in conscious unison.

Silent Meditation, Celebration around the fire. Based on the principles of Vipassana

Every Tuesday 5:30 pm – y:00 pm
Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday 7 : am – 8 : 15 am

Meditation is such a powerful thing that one hour in a day is enough.
It will illuminate your whole life. It is just sitting silently deep within yourself. Meditation can bring you to your nature. It is your very being,
It can make you intelligent,it can make you loving, it can make you spontaneous, it can make vou responsible. This is the way of meditation, Encountering the present in

For more details and Contact us:
Osiva phone/WhatsApp : +91 9629832216
OSIVA HOME STAY – Yatra, Near Newcreation Sports ground/
La piscine Kuilapalavam. Auroville – 605101. Tamil Nadu