Please join us Friday, October 9, 2020 at 7:30 pm US EST (Saturday, October 10, 1:30 am CEST & 5:00 am IST)

The evening, presented by The Yale Institute of Sacred Music and the Yale South Asian Studies Council, will be brimming with songs and poetry. SACSA Board Member and Yale Alumni, Brinda Govindan will introduce us to Parvathy, SACSA and the Sanatan Siddhashram. Brinda is thrilled to be hosting Parvathy at the Yale South Asia Council since during her time at Yale 25 years ago such a program was but a glimmer in the eyes of the Yale South Asia community! There will also be time for lecture, and question and answer conversation. This event, presented with the South Asian Studies Council, will be held via Zoom. Please click to attend the event via Zoom. 

This event is free and open to all. To support Parvathy’s work at Sanatan Siddhashram via SACSA, a 0% overhead, 501c(3) org, please click the yellow button below to make a tax-deductible donation.

Donate Directly to Sanatan Siddhashram via SACSA