As world events unfold in ever-interesting timelines, our team at Prisma continues to experiment with futuristic publishing in the play realm to present intriguing titles for a serious read in such exciting times… To begin with, the mailer and web versions of our newsletter now both offer a much richer viewing experience. Enjoy! Leap to web-based newsletter here.
Divine Love is here

“She has come, bringing with Her a splendour of power and love, an intensity of divine joy heretofore unknown to the Earth. The physical atmosphere has been completely changed by her descent, permeated with new and marvellous possibilities.”
“But if She is ever to reside and act here, She has to find at least a minimal receptivity, at least one human being with the required vital and physical qualities, a kind of super-Parsifal gifted with an innate and integral purity, yet possessing at the same time a body strong enough and poised enough to bear unwaveringly the intensity of the Ananda She brings…”
Here now at Prisma, we offer to you a compilation of precious words by The Mother, how she experiences and describes Divine Love, the great and final victory in the transformation of human kind.
Read and contribute for the web-book here.
Auroville, A Dream comes true

After a long pause in production because of the lockdowns in India, our team is delighted to bring to you fresh from the press A Dream – Aims and Ideals, The Mother on Auroville. This important book has been featured in our last newsletter as a newly-available web-book. We are very happy to now offer this book in beautiful hard-cover, a must-read for people who are interested in the dream of a new world, which is Auroville.
You can order a copy online or pick up your copy from Prisma and other Auroville bookshops.
Buy the print edition here.
Read and contribute for the web-book here.
Children are our future

If you have visited our website, perhaps you would have wondered what exactly Prisma Dreams is about. To sum up, we try to be the invisible link between the extraordinary heritage of Auroville and its amazing new generation – the power to dream and take the leap is the stuff that our future is made of, isn’t it?
Some months ago, our team came across this awesome large-format print magazine published by the children of The Learning Community (TLC) in Auroville. The publication beamed with aliveness and freshness, hooting whimsical musings. We were impressed! Titled A Literary Cup of Tea, the magazine is 100% initiated, written, edited, designed, fundraised and carried by the TLC children, and is already in its third issue. The magazine is a living vehicle for the children to learn by doing.
And so we leapt to offer our support to the TLC children by connecting them to expert mentors from within Auroville, such as Alan of Auroville Today and Franz of Prisma. The full spectrum of work related to the magazine remains entirely the sovereignty and responsibility of the children.
The children are currently fundraising to have the third issue printed. Your generous support would be much appreciated. You can visit this link and follow the instructions. Please remember to mark the contribution as “TLC Magazine 25286”.
Coming soon: web-magazine format.
Glimpses of Wonder

“Children pass by. A tray with sand and a collection of objects are waiting. A game starts: placing objects, moving sand; a world appears in front of our eyes. A very simple act. A child plays and creates a world in the sand, a creation as important as the study of letters and numbers.”
In this latest web-book commissioned by Aikya, she shares her approach and the glimpses of wonder she encountered in facilitating the World Game with children in Auroville. The World Game, also known as Sandplay, is an educational and creative invitation to express one’s individuality and uniqueness, in an atmosphere of openness, joy of discovery and trust in the future.
Shall we play?
Read and contribute for web-book here.
Impressions of a Moongate Garden

In the Autumn month of the moon festival, Prisma is pleased to present a photo exhibition of the moongate garden by Chen De-Zhong in the Hamburg Arboretum, Germany.
Full moon is symbolic of union and tranquil contentment in the Chinese culture. Moongate, both decorative and practical, is an essential element in traditional Chinese garden design. It frames a fluid view of the garden as one approaches the entrance and then again as one exits from the garden.
Visit an online preview here.
Full of joy and marvel,
The Prisma team of Auroville