Autumn, harvest time is a good time to celebrate the fruits of our efforts and reach out to you again in shared celebration of our work – as every year – to share about our ongoing and growing adventure in the field of our sonic explorations, of musical instrument craft, the healing arts and our integral studies of the essential role of music in the evolution and transformation of humanity.

While this last year has brought a stringent note of the necessity of re-calibration for all of us, alerting us to the crucial recognition of the interconnectedness of all our actions in this global fabric of human civilization and their impact on the environment, we feel fortunate at SVARAM to be able to offer our work directly at the service of more harmony in our contemporary challenged lives.

I recently came across a significant key-note for this our endeavor in the ‘Life Divine’ of Sri Aurobindo, which expresses succinctly our purpose and aim :“a large harmonic universality of world-being”.

How blessed we are that the core of the sound work and its diverse fields in its ‘Craft, Art and Science’ offers us such an immediate means to co-create a better world.

Trusting that our offered products and services continue to inspire you to participate in this our discovery journey of the underlying call and aim of this our existence: rather than mere survival oriented, competitive struggling entities, we are inherently tuned beings of a greater harmony!
With Sound and Heartfelt Greetings,

Svaram Projects and More

and the SVARAM Team