PANCHABHUTA We are born out of them, surrounded by them and we return to the five elements. When these elements are in harmony within us, man enjoys life.

Dance Choreography : Devasmita Patnaik and Lingaraj Pradhan

EARTH – Prithvi / Gandharupa – all the five senses enhanced by the existence of this earth – We can hear the sound, touch things, we can see forms, taste the elixir of fruits, and smell the exquisite perfume of various flowers, plants and herbs.

WATER – Apas / Rasarupa – Eternal in the shape of Atom. Perishable as pond, river or sea. Water’s ability to dissolve substances, helps keep the planet healthy.

FIRE – Tejas/Vaayuranih – purifier. It is the 8th guardians according to the Veda & Upanishad, who guards all the directions. It brought nourishment to the world. One can hear its crackling sound, touch it and see its beautiful dancing forms.

WIND – Vaayu / Sparsharupa – Life force. Without air man perishes. When life prana is in harmony, man is healthy in body & mind and feels the joy of living.

ETHER – AKAASHA / Shabdarupa. Infinite space and void in the sky. All sound because of the existence of this ether. AUM, the eternal primordial sound came out of this ether.