After a break, Aurovilian Paola de Paolis continues her journey through Rome with her new book ‘Savitri – La scoperta dell’Anima e la vittoria sulla Morte’ (‘Savitri – The finding of the Soul and the victory over Death’). In the evening of Sunday, 19 February, she will give her presentation at ‘Mangiarte’, a classy restaurant cum art gallery, mainly frequented by youth and dedicated to artistic and musical events. It is located in the San Lorenzo quarter in the heart of Rome, an area historically famous for the terrible bombardment suffered during the second world war.
A special addition this time will be the showing of a short video of the 2007 performance of Paola’s ‘Savitri – The Finding of the Soul and the Victory over Death’ on the stage of the ‘Auditorium Parco della Musica’, the biggest multiple-stage in Rome.