Surya performance Lab Auroville is creating a new show for 150th Sri Aurobindo birthday.
This fundraising event aim is to support the creation of a new kind of transformative performance.
It’s a theatrical, choreographical, musical performance inspired by a poem by Sri Aurobindo, called: “IS THIS THE END?”
Facing a world in crisis and deep transition, our characters on stage express the physical urgency of a new breathe, new link to Nature and Vastness.
We absolutely need your support to create this show. Much more than supporters or donors, Surya performance lab wishes to consider you as partners.
In collaboration with AVI-USA, we invite you to a unique artistic online live performance from Sri Aurobindo auditorium, Auroville, India on Saturday 25th of September.
Surya performance lab artists will perform for you in live an extract of our new show: “IS THIS THE END?”
We will answer to your questions.
- When : On the Saturday 25th of September
9pm – New Delhi
5.30pm – Paris/ Berlin
4.30pm – London
11.30am – New York
8.30am – Los Angeles
5.30pm – Johannesburg - Please register now:
Video presentation of the event:
Please register now: