Hi little birds!

Here is some news of Sita et la forêt chantée, the sound book created by Chloé and Marie that features Auroville’s birds.

The association “lire dans le noir” (read in the dark) invited Chloé to present Sita at Radio France as part of the book festival. Claude from the French Pavilion was also there, and they were delighted to have Auroville’s birds chant on the air at radio France. Here is the link to the program’s podcast.

They also participated in the Montreuil Youth Book Fair and received a lot of beautiful comments.

If you would like to offer Sita et la forêt chantée to your friends, from France, click here.

And if you are in any other country, it is also possible to receive Sita by clicking here.

In Auroville, you can find Sita at the Visitor Center bookstore, at Freeland bookshop on Edayachavadi road, and in Pondy, at the Ma Pondy Chérie bookshop.

Follow Sita on Facebook.

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