Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry Invites you to join Svādhyāya: Study, Reflect and Grow Within, an opportunity to experience the Living Force and Power of the Words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother through a focused programme of self-study and a weekly shared reflection session.

Topic: Human Relations In Yoga

Primary Reading: Selections from Sri Aurobindo’s Letters on Yoga

Facilitators: Beloo Mehra, Shweta and Shekhar

Starting from September 11, 2021 to November 20, 2021, every Saturday, 4:00 to 5:00 pm (on Zoom)

Participants will be informed of the selected readings a week in advance.

No fee to register, contributions are welcome.

Please click here to register.

For more information, write to us: or

or contact us +91 8870813888 (call/ message/ whatsapp)

To join Zoom meeting please click here.

Meeting ID: 829 9745 4080
Passcode: 612097

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