The French Pavilion presents

“The nest of the wind: dystopian research”

An exploration on living, utopia and dystopia


Presented by Julie Beauté, student in eco-philosophy in Paris

Saturday 29th April 2017 at 5 pm

Cinema Paradiso

only in French 90min

The nest of the wind: dystopian research

How do we live and dwell on the Earth? Which place do we, living beings, give to one another? What slices of life do we share?How do we make ourselves at home in the world? How do our lives curl up to finally break down the borders of our identities?

To these questions, Julie, a student in eco-philosophy in Paris and presently a volunteer at Auro-Orchard, wants to find an answer.

She will share her current research, proposing to examine the understanding of living, the notions of utopia and dystopia,the concept of home – and its setbacks. While leaving the libraries and settling in the soil and in novels, she will draw up the outline of
a “field philosophy” in process, trying to understand how lives blend, intertwine and mingle in the folds of the world.