- When: 30 July – 8 August
- Where: Adishakti, Pondicherry
Amares Teatro from Uruguay welcomes you for the workshop
” Building of a personal mythology “
” This is clown that gives us a larger sense of the divine in each of us, that celebrates our humanness, our animalness, and the times that we can touch each other in a moment of laughter”
Sue Morrison
By the end of the workshop the participant will be able to:
• have a new vision about him/herself
• have acquired greater body and spatial awareness
• know how to use your voice without forcing the vocal cords
• Know how to take care of his/her body, with special emphasis on his/her spine
• accept his/her as an integral being
• have tools to transform his/her daily reality
• have experienced a new way of relating to their peers
For whom is the workshop?
This workshop is aimed at all those who wish to go through this initiatory journey that proposes to know and accept us, to go to the encounter of others, play and let us transform …
Gather courage to abandon our actions, reactions, feelings and everyday thoughts, suspend judgment, allow ourselves to be an unknown territory, give ourselves space for a more subtle perception permeated by volatile images, sensations and small pleasures. We will let our own mythology emerge, a mirror with enough distance in which we are able to look at ourselves and embrace the beauty of our totality.
Workshop proporsal
This initiatory journey will be composed of several dynamics inspired in the training of the sacred clowns of native American and Asian cultures, designed in the form of vision quests to gather information from our own experience. Validate our own journeys without judgment, letting the knowledge circulate through the circle of the community.
This process aims to the construction of an acting vocabulary for clown, which seeks a deep contact with our emotions without resorting to our emotional memory. Instead, the access to deep and true emotions will be by resorting to experiences that each participant will experience in the course that will constitute their personal mythology and source of access to their emotions.
In this way, the mythological plane is considered as a way to access deep emotions, keeping distance from our content / personal history, to facilitate access to them.
Work stages
•In a first stage, dynamics will be worked on to:
●Build a safe space
●Awaken the states of play, vulnerability and listening
●Help each participant to detect where and how they are searching at the present moment
●Enable in each participant the possibility of living experiences without judging them, validating them and being able to share them with the group
●Work with personal material to honor it and raise awareness that in the following stages it will not be necessary.
•In a second stage, the construction of personal mythology will be addressed through the use of masks that each participant will create and wear, in order to obtain emotional / energetic states that will constitute the personal vocabulary of each actor / actress.
•The third stage will be focused on each participant becoming familiar with their recently acquired acting vocabulary through group dynamics and individual scenic excersices.
About Amares Teatro
Amares Teatro is a theatre company that researches and generates scenic proposals based on physical theatre, energetical training and clown techniques. Between December 2015 and October 2019, they made a four-year tour of Latin America, which takes them through Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Cuba where they present their shows “Lucidez”, “RIO”, “Camino a casa”, “Encanto”, “En la Orilla”, “Los Colores del Oxido” and “Memoria chicha” in festivals, theaters and unconventional spaces. Since October 2019 they are touring through Africa (Egypt, Kenya) and Asia (India, Nepal).
They are creators of the Amares por los Mares Project where they carry out interventions in hospitals and shows and workshops in native communities. The project has led them to collaborate with several hospital clown groups, community theatre groups and native community organizations in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
In 2018 Amares Teatro joins the Amber Collective: Latin American Artists and Promoters Network.
Dates : From Saturday 30th of July till Monday 8th of August
Language: English
Time : 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 4pm to 7pm
Venue : Adishakti Theatre Arts, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India.
Workshop Fee: Rs 25 000
Fee doesn’t include food nor accommodation. Adishakti provides fooding and lodging facilities which will be booked separately from the workshop
For food and accommodation with Adishakti: 9487514962,
For more information and workshop booking (students will not be allowed without previous inscription)
Mail: amaresclown@gmail.com
FB: Amares Teatro
whatsapp: +52 1 967 140 5576
Web page: https://www.amaresclown.com/?lang=en