Auroville Film Institute presents Separation – Analysis and Filmmaking Workshop

  • When: 15 July – 31 August, 2021
  • Where: Online
  • To know more and Register: Apply Here
  • For any queries, feel free to contact +91 9969879319
  • Voluntary contribution for Aurovilians and Newcomers.

SEPARATION as a state of being; an interpersonal or an existential crisis; a thought process; a felt-sense, a collage of memories; touch of a time; sights, sounds and smells; sorting the self out through overwhelming emotions… to understand better – who am I?

The workshop with masters like Kamal Swaroop, Ustad Bahauddin Dagar, Madhu aposara, Debkamal Ganguly and Ammber Pandey, promises to be a goldmine in self-exploration and classical learning. 

Workshop will be conducted in 2 Phases.
Phase 1 – Thematic Orientation and Phase 2 – Production Mentorship.
Participants will be systematically guided to make their own short film – under the mentorship of Kamal Swaroop and other associated facilitators.
Those practicing or intending to practice filmmaking, analytical psychology, philosophy, photography, poetry, painting and other artforms, those on an identity quest, self-expression enthusiasts, lovers of all kinds