Performing Arts Lab Auroville Presents ‘Breaking Point’, 4 Days Intensive with Prashant More
This workshop brings insight on technical moves and methods experienced and developed from Prashant’s researched movement practice. It is about transforming movement by enhancing one’s relationship with the floor and the space while recreating and building up deep dance vocabulary. The exercises, mostly influenced by yoga and martial arts, go to spatial awareness, body work and floor work, with sequences also inspired from Flying Low, Contemporary techniques and Acrobats. Although very physical, the workshop follow a clear structure of never breaking the flow but systematically guiding one from the beginning to the end.
- When: 9am – 1pm, 23-26 March 2021
- Where: Cripa
- Contact: Irena on +44 7562 977143 on Whatsapp or on mail
- Reservation required

About teacher: Prashant More
Prashant More is a contemporary performing artist based in Bangalore. He has been engaged in artistic work as a performer, teacher and a maker.
He studied and trained in India and Europe. In 2012, he graduated in Contemporary dance from Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts in Bangalore and worked as a repertory dancer. Also, He gained intensive training in ‘Choreography and Physical Experimental Performances’ in Amsterdam, Berlin and Hong Kong.
As performer, he worked in various dance and theatre productions with choreographers in India, Hong Kong and Germany. He toured and performed in festivals in India, Europe, UK, Hong Kong and Singapore.
He teaches today regular dance classes at Attakkalari and conducts a workshop module ‘Breaking Points’ for professional dancers.