Explore the art of Dhrupad music at the next Dhrupad Retreat at A Sunlit Path from July 15-17.
We’ll immerse ourselves in the meditative and healing vibrations of Dhrupad music under the guidance of Niloy Ahsan, @dhrupad_niloy, an exceptional Dhrupad vocalist in the Dagar lineage. We start each day with an early morning kharaj practice and end each day with a group class exploring alap and a composition. Those interested in diving deeper have the option of taking a private class with Niloy in the late morning or early afternoon hours.
For Niloy, music is a play of Prana, an exploration of the sound within, and the practice of Dhrupad is a path to self-awareness. We will be hosting regular Dhrupad retreats at A Sunlit Path to grow and support our community of dedicated Dhrupad enthusiasts and practitioners. We look forward to building a strong practice with this art form together, allowing us to connect deeper to ourselves and each other through the immense power of pure sound.
This retreat is open to those from all backgrounds. While prior training in music and/ or yoga can be useful, it is not a prerequisite for the workshop.
Useful for:

  • Those looking for a yogic approach to sound and music
  • Music students who want to explore principles of Dhrupad/classical music
  • Yoga practitioners who wish to improve their musical understanding
    Topics that will be explored:
  • Fundamental principles of Dhrupad
  • Building blocks of music
  • Tāla (rhythm cycle)
  • Rāga
  • Bandish (composition)
    By the end of the retreat, you will have
  • Obtained an overview of the various elements of (vocal) Dhrupad music
  • Developed a holistic understanding & appreciation for the genre
  • Experienced an immersion into Dhrupad music through exercises that can be taken home for your own practice
    Location: A Sunlit Path
    Contact: 8870988843