Mandala Workshop for Inner Connection by Rosalba Cicerelli

Since the beginning of the Human Life, people from all over the world are connected with special shapes; the Mandalas are part of them.

Carl Jung, long time ago, discovered that the practice of drawing mandalas, in spontaneous way, it produces effects and a benefit on our own Life, harmonising and rebalancing whatever is in need. 

My role on all this is to guide you into the process of drawing, the mandala as a Sacred Circle, our own Universe, where to express our inner being of that moment, the moment we draw inside it, using different techniques, to reach spontaneously your center, your re connection with yourself.

  • When: 11am – 3pm, 23, 24 October 2021
  • Where: Lahe Lahe, Indira Nagar
  • Ages: 14plus
  • Fees: Rs. 1500 per person 
  • Registration: You can book your tickets with Townscript/ Insider or Book my Show or book directly with Lahe Lahe @9886294444. Ticket Link

About the facilitator: 
Rosalba Cilleri is originally from Italy, has been living in India from past 13 years. She is a professional Mandala Artist. Her work not only gives pleasure to your eyes but tells you a lot about your conscience. Talking about consciousness Rosalba has been working for a psychiatric hospital for 25 years, she is a professional therapist.