neelanjani_freeNeelanjani Auroville Visual Artists Center is happy to announce the opening of a temporary Open Art Space at the Visitor’s Center.
While we continue in our efforts to raise funds for the planned gallery upstairs, we are initiating a small collective space to display, promote, and sell Auroville art. The Visitor’s Center Team has kindly offered us a corridor space at the Visitor’s Center, facing the Dreamer’s Cafe.
We invite all artists, sculptors, ceramicists, and photographers, to participate by submitting 1-2 of your best works.

  • 60 x 60 cm max size
  • along with info – price, title, medium, date, size
  • well framed, or professionally presentable.
  • we request a minimum of 40% contribution of the sale towards Neelanjani for fundraising
  • the work will be displayed all year round – the artist can change his/her own pieces at any time she/he feels appropriate.
  • In the spirit of being a collective, we are asking the artists to sit the gallery for one half day a week, or send someone in their place. This is compulsory for everybody until we find a manger for the gallery.

We will be putting together a comprehensive file on all artists for visitors to go through. It would contain the the artist’s CV/resume/biodata, website link, photographs of some works, contact info, etc.
We are starting to operate the place from the first week of May.
If you have any suggestions, and  ideas or if you would like to join one of our meetings you may speak to Audrey, Emanuele and Sabrina.
If you would like to display your work at this space facilitated by Neelanjani, please contact us for more details at

A clarification:
We would also like to take this opportunity to clarify that Neelanjani is not an exclusive group of artists, but it is an Open Platform, a Collective, that welcomes all the Artists of Auroville to join and participate actively in our project while bringing in your own new energy and willingness. We are learning each step of the way, and your suggestions, ideas and input can help in manifesting a space that brings all the artists of Auroville together as a whole, and share with the world the marvelous variety of Art that is created in Auroville.

Our role and aim is to:

  • initiate an open, dedicated space to collectively promote, and sell art work
  • to support individual artists
  • to raise funds towards the building of a much needed gallery at the Visitor’s Centre
  • to bring the artists of auroville together
  • and to spread art within the community

For more infomation regarding our project and our meetings you may contact us at

If you would like to support us and donate towards this project our account number is 252242.

From outside Auroville you can make a donation through the Auroville donation gateway. Make sure to chooses SPECIFIC Auroville projects and type ‘Neelanjani’ as project name.

With a smile and thanks,
The Neelanjani Team

Audrey, Emanuele, Sabrina, Marie-Claire, Elaine, Julietta, and Jürgen.
