Kirtan and AV Art Service announces a new project: AV Art Library
AV Art Library will be like a Library of Things, but entirely dedicated to art objects and completely virtual for the managing of the loan between the artists and the Aurovillian borrowers. It is an initiative that can facilitate the circulation of Aurovilian artworks in a spirit of sharing, responsibility, generosity, and gratitude.
The idea is to create an online database of artworks that fellow Aurovilians can temporarily borrow, to enjoy their beauty, and decorate their homes, offices, and activities.
To make it happen, we will provide a dedicated website with an inventory of the artworks. It will be the responsibility of each artist to send a good resolution photograph of each art piece, measurements, info on the technique, contacts, and loan conditions, we will take care of entering the information into the database.
What can artists do participating in the sharing?
1. Make available a maximum number of 10 artworks;
2. Provide specifications regarding the loan (time, conditions, possible renewal, policy in case of damage, etc.);
3. Choose a contact method, delivery, and return of the artwork;
4. Decide whether to stipulate a written or a verbal agreement.
The loan will be managed directly by the artists. AV Art Library will not be responsible for the material and aspects of the loan.

AV Art Library will only manage the database of artists and Aurovilian borrowers and the website.
Kirtan and AV Art Service cannot be held responsible in the contract life between the artist and the Aurovilian borrowers.
If you are interested in participating and sharing your artworks, please write to:
For Feedback, ideas, and considerations on the project, email
Best regards.
Art Service and Kirtan