We remind you radio studio is closed due to Covid restrictions, btw we stil produce some programme. Stay tuned!

Here you can listen to the stream channell (playing 24/7).

Here you can see on-air schedules.

Last published podcasts:

1. Soul Tracks – The Mayfly Sessions, ep.4 “Paul Weller Retrospective” (Music)

2. Suryamayi’s PhD on Auroville – chapt.7 “Auroville’s Communal Economy: Ideals, Realities and (D?)Evolution” (Research)

3. Edible Weed Walk – ep.43 “The fascinating trail of pepper: Pippali/Thippali” (Food education)

….and more! on www.aurovilleradio.org

For more information write to radio@auroville.org.in