D-30 !

1 month left to apply to the third edition of the Auroville Art Camp

Visual artists, apply to the Auroville Art Camp 2022 before November 15th.

Auroville Art Camp 2022 – Call For Artists – Every Finite Is An Infinite

The art camp focuses on the collaboration of Indian national artists with Auroville artists, working on a specific theme during one week.

The theme of this third edition is “Every Finite is an Infinite”.

The Auroville Art Camp is calling Visual Artists to apply for the third edition of the Auroville Art Camp.

  • When: March 12 – 19, 2022
  • Where: In Auroville
  • Open Call for Applications: September 15th – November 15th (Submissions deadline 12am G.M.T.)
  • Applications: Please email all applications to aurovilleartcamp@auroville.org.in. All applicants will be contacted via email to confirm that their application is complete.
  • Note: As we are receiving many applications, If your application is not complete we will not take it into account.

Applications are open to :
A-Aurovilians and Indian Nationals artists.
We select only professional artists, whether they have followed an academic path or are self-taught.
B-Art students (Aurovilians and Indian Nationals)

The following information is required from applicants:
1-Bio data
2-Artist Statement
3-Pictures of your recent works, 5 images/ 10 Mo max (jpeg format only, name each file with your name_title_medium_size_date). No PDF. No google link.
4-What is your project for the Auroville Art Camp? Please explain how you imagine the theme of this year. What does it inspire you? What do you think you will work on during the art camp?
5-Specify in which category you are applying (artist or art student)
6-If you are applying in the art student category, specify what kind of studies you are/were committed to (free progress education, art college, self taught, mentoring, etc…).

Short-listed applicants will be informed by email by December 2021. The final selection will be published end of December 2021/ beginning of January 2022.

How do we select artists?
. The proximity we foresee in their work with Auroville raison d’être
. The Quality of their bodies of work
. Their Artist statement, what does their art convey
. Their approach to the Auroville art camp’s theme of the year
