The Arts Family (TAF) presents its first edition of TAF EMERGING ARTIST AWARDS- SOUTH ASIA 2021. The award is open to artists under 35 years from South Asia- India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Our aim is to support talented emerging artists from these regions and assist them in building their careers.
How To Apply- Submit images of three different recent artworks along with a short writeup about these works/series and an artist CV. The artists are free to choose any working media- Painting | Sculpture | Photography | Digital | New Media | Design. There is no restriction on media or sizes.
The awards will go to the emerging artists showing innovation and mastery in their subject and working media. The winners will be judged by an international board of acclaimed jury and all decisions are final.
The Awards- The following cash prizes will be awarded-
1st Prize- £1500
2nd Prize- £1000
3rd Prize- £500
Please submit your entries by Wednesday 31 July 2021, 23:49 GMT/London time to the following email address

Note: The artwork images should not be more than 2MB in size each. The pixel size must be more than 2000 x2000. The artist must not have exclusive representation rights with any one gallery so that TAF can represent them internationally. Please make sure the submitted works are recent and available to us when you have been shortlisted for the award.