After the successful and eventful first year navigated through COVID Pandemic, Kolkata Centre for Creativity is announcing its KCC Art Fellowship 2021-2022 with the aim to uplift and develop the discourse of various disciplines of art for young and emerging practitioners. KCC is offering a fellowship program to support specific research projects proposed by selected youngand mid-career practitioners for a year to develop, explore and present a discourse of their choice.

- Last date of submitting the application: 31st January, 2022
- Result anouncement of first round selection: 7th February, 2022
- Date of second round selection interviews: 10th – 13th February, 2022
- For More Details and to Download Form
Purpose of the Fellowship
- Extend the support to the practitioners to own, publish research papers and projects that will develop new artistic language and uplift the particular discourse of art.
- Develop a group of alumni who will reach to the excellence to mentor the program under the umbrella of KCC for future generation of artists.
Who can apply
- This fellowship is exclusive for Indian Nationals only.
- Young practitioners from age 25 years to 40 years from the fields of Visual Arts, Music, Theatre and Dance. Applicants born after 1st January 1981 and before 1st January 1996 are eligible to apply.
- Minimum experience of practice needed: 5 years
Application limits
- Registered research scholar, full time employees, any fellowship holders from other sources, KCC Art Fellows of the immediate two previous sessions, employees of Kolkata Centre for Creativity or Emami Art will not be eligible to apply.
- If selected, KCC Art Fellows are not eligible to take up any full time employment/ any fellowship from other sources during the period of this fellowship. In case of going against this clause, the fellowship will be cancelled immediately and the fellow will be responsible to return the already received fellowship money till that date.
- One applicant is eligible to apply for any one discipline only.
Grant Amount
- INR 8000.00 per month for 12 months + INR 4000.00 for the final production/dissertation/exhibition
- The final production/ dissertation/ exhibition will be reimbursed after the final presentation is done.
- The fellowship transaction will start only after the signing of fellowship agreement and required due process is fulfilled.
- The fellowship will be transferred on monthly basis to the account of the fellow, from AKST/KCC.