CREEVA has been open to support and educating artists and those who are curious to explore their potential in drawing and painting.
Art session scheduled for September and October 2021
- Watercolor Landscape Painting with Sathya on Mondays, 6th and 20th Mon 5-7 PM and outdoor Animals sketch and painting on 13th, 27th Mon 2:30-5:30 pm
- Painting The Music with Sangarabranan on Wednesdays 10:00-11:30AM
- Leaf Me Alone with Bhavyo on Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm
- Explore Color with Audrey on Fridays 9.30-11.30am
- Drawing with Life model on Saturdays 9-11 am
- Mandala with Akhila 1,3,4,6,7,8,10,11th. 2-4pm and 2, 9th. 9:30-11:30am. contact: +919880277470
- To Register: Audrey 0413-2622641, +919489408358., Sathya 9486145072.
Please call at least one day before the class or whenever you know you
want to come.
Welcome to ‘’Open Studio’’ It provides all kinds of art materials and
space to work on your own exploration of visual art. Monday to Friday
9:30am-4:30pm. Contact: Abhijit roy +917517394469.
Creeva Studio, Creativity, Auroville.