What is the Kodaikanal Gandhi Prize?

The Kodaikanal Gandhi Prize was founded in October 2019 by the Gandhi Peace Foundation, the Kodaikanal Fellowship Library, and Out of Print magazine, with Radha Kumar as donor, to revive Gandhi’s ideals in the 150th year of his birth. Last year, Ishita Pandey (KIS) took first place, and Mansoor Ali Jurabi (St Thomas) and P Archana (St Xavier’s) shared the second. This prize aims to increase awareness amongst our youth about the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi in promoting the values of humanity, compassion, democracy, non-violence and truth-telling.

Kodaikanal Gandhi Prize 2021

The last date of submission is August 30th, 2021. Prizes will be awarded on October 2nd, 2021.
The top three submissions will be awarded prizes of: Rs 15,000, Rs 10,000, and Rs 5000.
Prize winning essays will be published in Out of Print journal and the October issue of The Kodai Chronicle: A Monthly Dispatch from the Mountains, supported by The Kodai Chronicle Trust.

Entry criteria

This competition invites entries in the form of a written or multimedia presentation, in English or Tamil, from across India, and is open to students aged 16 to 18. Submissions from younger contestants may be considered but will be held to the same standard.

How to register?

Read the rules and regulations thoroughly, choose a topic to address, and submit a registration form by going to tinyurl.com/gandhiprize.

Rules and Regulations

  1. Entries must show familiarity with Gandhi’s writings and actions. Upon registering for the competition entrants will be provided with a set of selected readings from Gandhi’s most famous works
  2. Language: English or Tamil
  3. Written submissions may be in the form of an essay, short story or poem: 2500-3000 words (except forpoems).
  4. Multimedia submission: 21⁄2-3 minutes long
  5. All sources of information and quotations used must be clearly referenced
  6. Any signs of plagiarism will lead to disqualification
  7. Please do not submit a biographical essay of Gandhi. We want your original ideas!

Topics to Address

  • Topic 1Gandhi viewed non-violence as an active form of resistance. Looking at contemporary injustices, does non-violence work? State your points with examples.
  • Topic 2Gandhi labelled himself a ‘practical idealist’. What does that label mean to you? Describe another practical idealist you admire.
  • Topic 3: Gandhi once said, “Our salvation can only come through the farmer”. Does this idea hold true in India today? Why, or why not?
  • Topic 4: Why did Gandhi consider cowardice and apathy even worse than violence? Do you agree with him? Why, or why not?
  • Topic 5: Gandhi’s philosophy of truth in practice led to India’s motto, ‘Satyameva Jayate’ – ‘Truth Alone Triumphs’. What meaning does it have in an era of fake news? How would you restore this ideal in public opinion?
