Come, Create with Us!

Experience, Express and Explore yourself though the Visual Arts

Centre for Research, Education and Experience in the Visual Arts (CREEVA) is a platform for people to experience art first hand and overcome the inhibitions. It is a place where art enthusiasts can experiment with mediums, form, themes, etc. and hone their skills. CREEVA lets you explore deeper and find your language to express. It helps you practice your yoga of art regularly and peacefully.

Weekday 5pm-7pm @ Creativity Community Atelier, Near Solar Kitchen

  • Monday Mediums with A. Sathya- Work with different paint mediums to use in your own expression. Gouache/Watercolors/Pencil/Charcoal/etc.
  • Playful Tuesdays with DominiqueExplore and create your own understanding of known artists and also on Art which will expand your own expression.
  • Hands-on Wednesdays with Nausheen – Exploring Clay workshop is to make a connection with the material, sensing it, playing with it to see what could possibly be created.
  • Drawing Thursday with Lakshay – Figure Drawing. Classic way to understand the form, anatomy, perspective, etc. Support is available.
  • Creative Fridays with Helgard – Come, experience and enjoy the colours. An engaging and meditative process to make you express yourselves more freely.
  • And, Sketchy Saturdays with Jean-Marie from 3-5pm at different places. Call to confirm the location. Bring your own materials.

Pls. BE ON TIME. It’s a cooperative; pls. feel free to use the studio’s art materials. It’s free for Aurovillians and Newcomers. The base contribution for Volunteers is Rs.100 and Guests is Rs.200 per session. It’s a non-profit; donate more generously for art to flourish. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email. Call 04132622641 or email to

We have an open studio everyday from 9:30am to 4.30pm at Creativity Community and Kalakendra.